Services: Eco Education Vacation

When I first began 3 Rivers, teaching renewable energy and being a sustainable visitors centre was not in the plan.

The use of renewable energy was new to Dominica, and as we had set up the solar panels word got round, and people from all corners of the island began visiting to see solar power running a whole hotel for the very first time in Dominica's history.

Then people began to ask me to show them how it works, and I did so with pleasure, and found I enjoyed it. Next a teacher asked if she could bring her school class here, and the visit was a great success. And that is how the eco education at 3 Rivers really began. These days we welcome schools from across the island throughout the year, as well as hosting interns from the Dominica state College.

Today we run workshops teaching about most forms of renewable energy, in a practical hands on way for the local community, through our reghistered NGO The Sustainanle Livcing Iniative (SLIC), and for private individuals wishing to learn about these subjects, in a place where they can see it all in action. Combine education with a holiday in one of the most unspoilt countries on earth.

Click here to find out more about our workshops,

and here for more information on SLIC - The Sustainanle Living Iniative

jem winston ram pump workshop jem winston ram pump workshop