Organic Farming Workshop

Our organic farmning workshop is the only class we offer that does not directly relate to renewable energy, but as we are trying to promote sustainable living in general, we feel it appropriate to run this class as often as possible, particularly as we are in a predominently farming nation.


The first part of the day is spent discussing how composting works, and explaining the benfits of using compost in the garden, from thepoint of view of avoiding chemicals, and of recylcling our biodegradable waste; which often leads to extensive discussions about how to persuade the Dominican farmers to go Organic.

The next section is about organic pest control, and growing your own pest control supplies, such as garlic and hot peppers, and the remainder of the day is about cop rotations and organic farm certification schemes.

If you are lucky, you may get to eat some delicious 3 rivers organically grown fruit or taste some of our organic